The Kaplan Family Foundation

Matchmaking is my favorite part of being a real estate agent. Finding an amazing home for a family where they will grow and evolve, or locating that ideal buyer for a seller who is ready to move makes me so happy! It’s an honor to have helped hundreds of clients buy and sell homes for than 10 years. I’m incredibly grateful to you; all of these clients have come from your referrals and word of mouth.

In appreciation of this support and to give back to our community, my family and I have the established The Kaplan Family Foundation to provide funding to charities based in our neighborhood, the Oak Grove area of Atlanta, Georgia. There are four recipient organizations – Atlanta Hospital Hospitality House, Contribute2America, One Good Deed, and Ruffus Rescue – that each focus on some aspect of housing and are very meaningful to us.

To make donations to the foundation and to learn more about the recipients, please visit